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Health & Nutrition

purina pro plan dog food
purina pro plan probiotic

OFA & Genetic Canine Health Testing

ofa health testing
paw print genetics helth testing
genetic health testing

We at Evergreen Elite Puppies believe that raising & caring for the healthiest adult dogs possible will result in high-quality happy puppies. Using OFA & Genetic Testing we can ensure that your puppy will be healthy and a lifelong companion. OFA Testing focuses on current physical health conditions such as hips, elbows, heart health, etc. Genetic testing with either Paw Print Genetics or Gensol Diagnostics allows us to test our adults for predisposed genetic conditions. Examples of some of the testing we do include DM (Degenerative Myelopathy), Canine von Willebrand Disease, and other genetic conditions.

Trupanion Pet Health Insurance

In Partnership with Trupanion, we offer 30 day comprehensive health coverage for your puppy.

heath testing

Register Your Pet's Microchip

akc reunite

PLEASE DO NOT OVER FEED YOUR DOG! Follow manufacture directions. Over feeding dogs is the greatest cause of cancer and joint problems in dogs. Keep them physically fit with top quality food in the correct quantity and plenty of exercise. Other than an occasional treat of scrambled eggs, some cheeses including cottage cheese we highly discourage human food given to dogs. Cooked beef bones from your local butcher can be a healthy treat also. No chicken or turkey bones recommended!

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